Photo a Day: November 2013 02.12.
November is usually when the Holiday season starts sneaking up, especially after the fun of Halloween. This year we spent Thanksgiving at the beach with my family, which was a nice change of pace. Although, we did have to leave the festivities early in order to open up the store for Black Friday. The rest of the days of the month were spent working on our house and getting everything finished with the upstairs. I sold my Grandmother’s house this month, which meant we gained a new furry family member – Pookie. Poor kitty had been alone at the house since my grandmother’s death earlier this year, but we were in construction up until THE DAY BEFORE closing. It was pretty hectic, but it all worked out. We brought Pookie home and he had his own room. We camped out with him upstairs, and the next day he was ready to meet the other ladies in the house. Their meetings went pretty well without any huge fights. A few hisses, but that’s to be expected. Thankfully, everything was smooth when we were at the beach, so I think everyone has adjusted nicely! But omg 4 cats lol.
Fruit (ok not fruit, but hops), I did this today…ate at Bandito, P is for…POOKIE, table (the view from the upstairs table)
I collect…cats (apparently), music, Yes! (IT’S FALL), someone I miss (this picture just shows that Pookie missed belly rubs)!
mine, book (read one while waiting for UPS), a memory, clouds
part of me, eating, in my pocket/purse, play
5 o’clock, mirror, where I ate breakfast (in bed), communication (is key when restoring an old house)
I wish I had this, behind, simplicity, a word (Thunderkrotch)
quirky, message, no! (I don’t want to leave the beach), I’m thankful for…beach sunsets
black (Friday), all done
And here is the month of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, and October!