Photo a Day: March 2013 09.04.
Simply put, March was rad! Wedding season kicked off, loads of birthdays, great shows, Spring teased us with some gorgeous days, and Andy and I traveled to San Francisco! Here’s a day-to-day photo break down!
L is for…lonely plane, I made this (tea), key (…ingredients to crepes), lucky (Tiny didn’t attack me)
under (the influence of alcohol), chair, fear (of death), favorite (Mexican restaurant for my birthday!)
faceless self portrait (I know this photo doesn’t really work for this, but whatevs), I want…Fletcher C. Johnson to play our record store!, important (1909 marriage license of my g-great grandmother), in the distance
sound, tasty, explore, 9 o’clock (Counter Clockwise at Coppertop)
green, shoes, a sign, clean
working, about me (I’m a wedding photographer!), what I do for fun, up
in my drawer, something I did (sat in Dolores Park in San Fran!), pair, in the (rearview) mirror
good night (saw Useless Eaters and Nightmare Boyzzz in San Fran), relax, stuff