March is a pretty big birthday month for my group of friends! Aside from myself, there’s at least 4 others we celebrate with every year! Usually starting with Ben and ending with our darling friend Ellis, the whole month is pretty much spent in a drunken stupor (ok ok not really, but you know).
A small group of us celebrated with Ben at Outback before we all went into a food coma.
I started my birthday out with a beer at Bandito…and ended the night with whip cream in my face thanks to our favorite local Mexican restaurant (they are great at pranks)! I had a big wedding in Birmingham the next day, so I had to take it easy.
*last two images curtesy of Ashley Martin
Nichole’s birthday has taken the cake thus far (pun intended)! A group of us went bowling last night and had an absolute blast! We got in about three games before they turned off the lanes. It had been SO long since I’ve been bowling and my stats proved that. I was definitely LVP (least valuable player). Which is totally ok with me since we weren’t playing for anything other than high fives and “fuck yeah”s. I can bet that just about everyone that was there woke up with a hangover of some sort…but hey, that’s how you know it was a good night, right?