The Real Vertical House
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Photo a Day: June 2013 01.07.

June continued the busy wedding season – with TWO weddings in Memphis (yay road trips – one and two)! We also got a lot of hard work done on our house – that WE actually did…mainly the floors, but still! It was pretty rough. It’s a pretty huge undertaking, but every minute of the labor will be worth it when we can enjoy the upstairs all finished!

B is for… (the bridge Andy ate!), a moment, on my table (since our dining room table is covered with stuff during this restoration, we eat in the bedroom…so these clean sheet are on our “table”), after dark

environment, transport (back in time when I had blonde hair!), bright, animal

from down low, you, something funny (??), 11 o’clock

kitchen, texture, from above, family

centered, street (stood in the street to take that shot), currently reading (Brides Magazine, which featured Elizabeth & Michael’s wedding – eeeep internationally published now!), cute (new biz cards)!

lunch (picked some lavender at lunch!), enjoying life (seeing Kepi Ghoulie live in our store!), last (day in Memphis), negative space

sharp, empty (steamer needed to get re-filled so I snapped a pic), into the sun, red

in my bag (tea bag?), handwriting (on the back of that postcard and on the inside of the thank you card)

And here is the month of January, February, March, April, and May!

