The Real Vertical House
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Rainy Day Project: Day One

Weird…I didn’t even plan that song to be playing. Andy and I have decided to start a new photo project for ourselves. It’s simple. Every time it rains, we take a photo. It doesn’t matter how many or what of, we just take a photo on a rainy day. The project began yesterday.


Renovation Day Two

Floor support added in the bathroom (which is great, cause the whole thing was about to fall in) and more bricks exposed on the dining room fireplace. We have to start thinking about what floor to use in the kitchen and bath. Saturday, we are making a trip to Harrison Brothers. They have a collection […]

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The Pine Hill Haints Video

The Pine Hill Haints I have a video from last night of The Counter Clockwise too, but it was larger than 100mb, so YouTube couldn’t host it. If anyone has any video editing software that would compress the video (or what have you) that would be wonderful!

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Almighty Do Me A Favor, Counterclock Wise, Japanther, and The Pine Hill Haints

Last night’s show was a lot of fun, simply put. I haven’t stayed out ’til 3am in a long time. Almighty Do Me A Favor __________________ The Counterclock Wise __________________ Japanther __________________ The Pine Hill Haints __________________


Renovation Day One

The top layer of wood that made up the lower back roof was completely rotten. We now have new roof, sheathing, flashing, and shingles. No more leaks!


Vertical Photographs


Yesterday’s Sightings

mmmmm dinner at Po-Boy before heading to the Monkey for a meeting and Crash Boom Bang. _______________________ And this is the very raw beginnings to Vertical House as a record store. We have to wait to hear what pans out with all of this inspectors and fire safety before the walls can go up.


The Counterclock Wise

Last night The Counterclock Wise played at The Tavern. It was an awesome show. What was even better is it wasn’t overcrowded, therefore not as much smoke. We got a video of most of the show, however it’s not that exciting, seeing as how the camera had to sit in one place all night…but the […]


Our record store has been put on hold. Not our fault though, phew! The Flying Monkey has to pass a couple of inspectors’ tests before we can build any more walls up there. And with thousands of dollars invested into merchandise, we can’t risk all of that with the fenced in cage spaces they have […]


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