The Real Vertical House
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The Counterclock Wise 11.01.

Last night The Counterclock Wise played at The Tavern. It was an awesome show. What was even better is it wasn’t overcrowded, therefore not as much smoke. We got a video of most of the show, however it’s not that exciting, seeing as how the camera had to sit in one place all night…but the sound is great.

I can’t wait for the trailer for The Year of the Gun to be finished.


axiomatic7 11.01.

wish I could have gone (down with the flu) as I knew it wouldn’t be packed like weekend shows.. they are playing at the monkey this Sat. right?


admin 12.01.

yes sir…it’ll be an awesome show. counter clockwise, pine hill haints, japanther, & almighty do me a favor.

i hope you get well soon! 🙂

yuriozaki 12.01.

A great pic!
I’ve never beeen to the Tavern or the counter clockwise show. Chris says it’s one of his favorite.

admin 12.01.

Well, they are playing this Saturday at the Flying Monkey…you should come up! They put on a fantastic show.
