The Real Vertical House
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Our record store has been put on hold. Not our fault though, phew! The Flying Monkey has to pass a couple of inspectors’ tests before we can build any more walls up there. And with thousands of dollars invested into merchandise, we can’t risk all of that with the fenced in cage spaces they have available right now. We do have a space picked out though, so that’s exciting. Hopefully it’ll only take a month at most before we can continue.

However, this down time will be used to pick back up working on our house. Our loan has been secured, so as of today we are back on track. Now that the demo is done, it’s time for the $$$ stuff to start. I’ve been having the most intense dreams about what colors to pain the rooms, how to arrange them, what built-ins need to go where, etc. It’s exciting and nerve wrecking.


axiomatic7 09.01.

man.. flying monkey looks almost toally different from the inside.. what part is the record store going into??

admin 09.01.

yeah it does…it’s insane. especially with the glass studio’s walls in place (right as you walk up the stairs).

Right now the space is completely blank. There’s going to be a wall that completely cuts off the stage area (where Crash Boom Bang is) from being in the wide open. This is also where shows will be held from now on. Anyway – If you are walking down the corridor to get to the stage area, Vertical House will be on your left side, closest to where the stage area will be.

In fact, a lot of the renters in the caged spaces are moving. Virago is moving to where the Burning Nun used to be. Anna Sue (she has the puppets) is moving to the side we’ll be on so she can build walls, too.

There’s so much change in the progress…we just have to wait for these darn inspectors to pass us on the gas lines that got ran (for heat yay!!) so we can all continue with our plans.

yuriozaki 10.01.

My lazy husband missed the FM meeting on Sunday. ( I came back from the exciting trip with Amanda and asked him about the meeting. He said “Oh, crap!”) Your coment explains what’s going to happen. Thanks.

The glass studio is awesome! I want to have my studio…. :I

admin 10.01.


there’s an emergency flying monkey board meeting this saturday. i don’t want to say too much on livejournal, but chris might want to go if he can. i think it’ll be right after the artist market.

yuriozaki 10.01.

Chris will be working on Saturday evening. :/
But we’ve got an e-mail from Cheril about a meeting on Thursday. We may go.
