The Real Vertical House
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Yesterday’s Sightings 12.01.

mmmmm dinner at Po-Boy before heading to the Monkey for a meeting and Crash Boom Bang.


And this is the very raw beginnings to Vertical House as a record store. We have to wait to hear what pans out with all of this inspectors and fire safety before the walls can go up.


axiomatic7 12.01.

I do hope the record store idea pans out.. I hear Sunburst is closing on Ground Hogs Day…

admin 12.01.

yeah, it should pan out if we can continue building walls…

andy is going to talk to jay about the flying monkey to see if he’d be interested in opening up there or something. or ebay (which is what we primarily do right now with our inventory). or we’re just going to buy a lot of his stuff if he’s ready to get rid of it all and not bother with a store anymore. it’s pretty upsetting that he’s having to close. can you picture him at a real job? :/

axiomatic7 12.01.

no.. I can’t.. but I hear that he has before.. hmm..

monkeyswitch 12.01.

WAIT… Sunburst has to close???? Why??? What is the story on that???????? Nobody tells me anything!!!! Stupid Birmingham

admin 13.01.

Apparently Christmas fucked him over and he didn’t make enough. :(:(:(:(
