2014 Hopefulutions 02.01.
2013 was super exciting! Between all of the travels, friends, family, and growth (personal and business), it’s been a year for the books! The 2013 Year in Review post has more details and photos! Here are the hopes for the New Year, along with commentary about last year’s hopefulutions!
2014 Resolutions
- Travel
- Get published with my film work
- Set up a darkroom
- Take a train to NOLA
- Bike more (especially in nice weather)
- Make more time for gardening
- Construct a greenhouse or implement cold frames
- Get more involved with the photographic community
- Host a really great party
- Start a vintage shop – either a brick and mortar or online store
- Pick up an additional yoga class
- Start cooking with Andy
2013 Resolutions (with commentary)
- Photograph more with film and begin “the transition” (Super excited to check this one off! I’m building a new website to showcase the film work and reflect that I am an analog shooter! Woop woop!)
- Continue to grow and push the envelope with White Rabbit Studios (free wedding websites with bookings, handmade albums, letterpress recipe cards, other goodies) (I did the letterpress recipe cards! I have someone working on handmade albums! I hired a designer for invites and such…so I’m allowing myself to check this one off the list! Of course now that I’m shooting film, my packaging has changed again – but I’m keeping it all local and fabulous!)
- Start selling some of my vintage collection (either in the store or online again) (Haven’t really done this…but there have been steps in this direction!)
- Get the wheels in motion for another Hi-Fi Wedding Fest (OMG IT’S HAPPENING – JANUARY 25TH 2014!!!!)
- Go on tour with The Porcharitas (even a long weekend would be fun!) (We played several shows, but no real “tour”)
- Spend a weekend unplugged from the internet on a fun adventure with Andy (This happened numerous times! We are thinking of adopting our friend Franklin’s No Screen Sunday attitude as well)
- Set up our screen printing/darkroom equipment (womp womp…didn’t happen but that’s ok…there are steps that have been taken to make this a reality)
- Expand our garden/build a green house (We expanded the garden, but no greenhouse just yet)
- Go on more walks, drink more tea/water (check, check and check!)
- More Yoga! (check!)
- Help host a kickass festival (HAPPENIN’ FEST WAS RAD!)
- Write at least five songs (wrote ’em, but haven’t done anything with ’em!)
- Start recording live shows and blogging them (While we actually did record several shows, I’ve yet to blog them…)
- Another label to want to put out Porcharitas’ first album. (still need to finish that project lol)
- Keep up with my personal blogging (I always catch up…but I need to get better about blogging more “in time”)
- Revitalize Crash Boom Bang! Theatre (hopefully everything in the pipeline for CBB flows through!) (definitely did a few videos and the Halloween show…but since theater is a drug to me, I NEEDS MOAR!)
- Finish the upstairs (this is a huge undertaking…even to accomplish part of this will be incredible!) (OMG WE DID IT WE DID IT WE DID IT!!! Definitely the most satisfying check mark of all!)
- Go to the beach (this needs to be a “must” every year.) (Happened not only once, but twice!)