The Real Vertical House
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October Oddities 26.10.

Here is a photo dump of various things that happened in October!

PHOnominal Fall

Tim Kerr art show

The most insane sunset ever!

estate sale wallpapers

KITTIES (Maple and my new Rollei, Pookie through the viewfinder, Porchie, Sadie head

Carved my first pumpkin (the cat – whoda thought?!)

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Fall Sunset 17.10.

Cause sometimes the sky is just pure magic!

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Farmhouse Dinner 27.09.

I was giddy like a school girl when Laurie emailed asking if I would photograph a dinner for friends she was having at her restored 1890s farmhouse! I couldn’t say yes quick enough, and it was difficult waiting for that day to roll around! One GORGEOUS Saturday in September I was in my element – photographing an old farmhouse, laughing with old friends, and mingling with new friends. It was such an incredible evening! Below are my instagram shots, but you can find the film images here!

KITCHEN of my dreams y’all!

I’m so obsessed with this wallpaper!

dinner set up!

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The Start of September 25.09.

Lowe Mill views

birthday celebrations!

Yellowhammer celebrations!

Pookie tummy and Porchie tongue (poor baby had a massive tumor rupture and had to undergo surgery…all is well now, thank goodness)!

Porchie listens to a record for the first time! We had to keep her inside for 3 days until she healed.

new music, more mill sunsets, BEER WEEK, Halloween decor debut

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Dog Days of Summer 31.08.

Pookie naps

Alice in Wonderland display at the Botanical Gardens

Five Points

a STUNNING shoot with Piper & Leaf at Riverfly Farms

rainy day activities

studio sunset

The Pine Hill Haints!

summersets at the Mill

rekkids, beers, and butts!

DJed at Salty Nut Brewery…and they created a Vertical House Black IPA! whaaaa?! #lucky

pretty sunset during a lovely lakeside engagement session!

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Flint River Fun 15.08.

A couple of Sundays ago a group of us packed up and headed out to Martin’s house on the Flint River! We spent the day relaxing, dranking, tubing, and kayaking – it was loads of fun! I brought along my trusty XA2 to snap some of the fun!


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Boiler Room Exploration 07.08.

Recently I got the chance to explore the boiler room at Lowe Mill again! I haven’t been here since we filmed Screaming Jenny stuff, so it was pretty neat getting to actually photography all the nooks and crannies again! Rumor has it Piper and Leaf (an amazing artisan tea company located here at Lowe Mill) is looking at moving into that space – WHICH WOULD BE SO AWESOME!

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August Adventures 06.08.

intense sunsets!

estate sale wallpaper

Happiness is…finding a camera I’ve been searching for at a GREAT price!

estate sale finds

sunset float on the Flint

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House Stuffs 01.08.

Here and there around our house!

tomatillos, hydrangeas, veggies, willow tree

new art (the Huntsville map) and trinkets from around the world (tiny cats on bench from Kauai, Italy picture in the frame, tall cat and mermaid from Savannah)

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Summer Snaps 28.07.

lightning bugs!

mill sunsets

lots of Bandito patio hangs

Pookie toes


naked ladies!

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