The Real Vertical House
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Box Elders & Dinner With Friends 16.04.

This past Monday night we had an awesome show in our store with one of our favorite bands, The Box Elders. Our friends have started a new band called Really Loud Hamburgers and they played…as well as Ursa Locomodus (from Muscle Shoals). Things got a bit hectic that night and I think some people had TOO much fun. The worst thing that happened in the store was someone getting sick on the floor…luckily nothing got on records whew! Everything else crazy happened after people left the show, thankfully.

Box Elders at Vertical House Records

Box Elders at Vertical House Records

Box Elders at Vertical House Records Box Elders at Vertical House Records

Box Elders at Vertical House Records

Really Lound Hamburgers at Vertical House Records

I only got one shot of Really Loud Hamburgers

Vertical House Records


Tuesday night we had our friends Robert, Chirag and Nancy over for dinner. Stephanie and I shot Chirag and Nancy’s Hindu wedding last August, so it was great getting to see them while they were in town! Steph and Sean couldn’t make it because Jasper wasn’t feeling so hot. But we all had a great time and the food was wonderful! Chirag and Nancy whipped together a super easy Indian dish. Basically you chop up your favorite veggies, place them atop some Behl (kinda like rice krispies), finish it off with a chutney and an apple butter sauce. It was delicious, easy, and would make a wonderful Summer BBQ option!

Dining Room




Prepping Dinner


The Real Vertical House » Blog Archive » 2010 in Review 30.12.

[…] in-store show with one of our favorites (Box Elders) and dinner with friends! Fun times! […]
