The Real Vertical House
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as of late… 19.02.

The Counterclock Wise in Birmingham.
Birthday parties, fun shows, confusion, long drive home.

Sleepy noodlehead, muffin makers, excited about all the cardboard boxes in the house.

A Few Good Minutes.
Crash Boom Bang, Clockabyebooboo, cardboard drugs, opening weekend.


meowmrow 20.02.

totally random.

hey verticalbar,
I think I may have seen your husband around the cosmetic/pharmacy section of the Sparkman walmart last Friday night? If not it was his definitely evil twin.

bugoele 20.02.

look at those scallywag cats!

bugoele 20.02.

i didn’t realize scallywag had so many negative meanings.


admin 20.02.

Re: totally random.

haha it must have been his twin! i asked andy if it could have been him, and he said he hasn’t been to wal*mart in like 3 months or something.

admin 20.02.

haha…sometimes they do negative things. like clawing the carpet, trying to eat off the table, and occasionally trying to get into the trash.

afloatinglife 22.02.


i saw it i saw it! but it hasn’t made me want to slam my head into nails… which is a good thing, i guess?

admin 22.02.

Re: clockabyebooboo

yeah, it usually only affects those looking to stop time and get a break…you seem to be enjoying time 🙂

admin 22.02.

Re: totally random.

oh hey…um scratch what i said earlier. i’m an idiot. apparently, we DID go to that wal*mart right before our performance one night…we needed hot hands and beer haha. so yeah, that was him you saw 🙂
