The Real Vertical House
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Junkyard Photoshoot 01.02.


…Andy takes over…


a_pocket_smile 02.02.

these are amazing! i love the one of marilyn monroe.

admin 02.02.

yeah, i do too…it was a metal sign at an antique store. i really wanted it, but i couldn’t justify $25, especially since it wasn’t that big.

but i want it in my bathroom so bad.

monkeyswitch 02.02.

I think I could justify $25 for that… I mean, I bet it would get a lot more than that on Ebay… but I would keep it.. it’s pretty awesome

topherbangham 02.02.

you promised me naked andy pics like over a week ago..this is just getting ridiculous

yuriozaki 02.02.

Exciting pics! I want to go there.

hoolia_ 02.02.

What are the odds of you being able to fly up here in March and be in my movie? 🙂

ashxox6 02.02.

you look sooo pretty! where are you guys? i really love the pic of the window where it says not responsible. see you at

ashxox6 02.02.

i was not finished with my comment! its supposed to say…

see you at the show. this is not an option.

admin 03.02.

well um…

admin 03.02.

it was fun 🙂

admin 03.02.

dang it…don’t tease.

seriously, i would if we didn’t have so much going on :/

what’s it abouuuuuuuuuut?

admin 03.02.


it’s off the side of the street on the way to TN. we went and got good beer and lotto tickets…we won $47! which pretty much bought the beer haha.

and i did see you at the show and you have such CUTE hair!

hoolia_ 03.02.

I’ll send you the script when I have the first draft done (soon!).

admin 04.02.


i can’t wait.

rarissatehazn 05.02.

you’re the only reason i come back to lj every once in a while…
that 4th picture of you is beautiful.

admin 05.02.

ah wow…why thank you! 😀
