The Real Vertical House
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Catchy Songs With Whistles 28.01.

I’ve noticed that since our house has been for sale, we’ve used it as an excuse to eat out a lot. It just seems to make sense not to have to cook something only to have to clean it up and return the house to its “spotless” condition before someone comes to look at it. ah well, good food is great.

Cafe Baba and Bandito Burrito.


One night Andy and I went to Tyler’s apartment and played Apples to Apples with him and Ashley Rrrrrrrrr. Man, what a fun game! That game definitely brings the giggles.

shaky hands lead to blurry photos.


It’s really weird…we have part of Sunburst sitting in our garage. I can’t believe he’s closing. Jay doesn’t really seem completely bummed, though. Groundhog’s Day will be insane. That store, on it’s last day, will be insane. Then there’s a show that night at the Tavern. woo.

We asked Jay if he thought about opening up at the monkey, but he has his reasons. He’s been really supportive of us opening Vertical House. We bought five of the shelving units he used in the store. It took us four trips to haul them all away. haha one of the shelves has a sticker that Andy had put there in high school. We finally have the beginning of our store. Now to find wood and supplies to build the rest…



courtnah 29.01.

I love apples to apples.

We should chill sometime.

inparenthesis 29.01.

I just heard about Sunburst closing today. That is so sad.

axiomatic7 29.01.

I’m looking forward to the show at Craters since the band playing (River City Tan Lines) has an ex member of the Lost Sounds

admin 29.01.

word…we definitely should.

hey i saw you in go(?) with that ‘what’s on yor ipod’ article.

admin 29.01.

yes, very much 🙁

but at least jay will still be around…he plans on hanging out more, and he’ll still do record shows 🙂

admin 29.01.

me too…i can’t wait

courtnah 30.01.

haha, yeah…
