The Real Vertical House
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Free the Hops 21.01.

The horrible band that was playing covered (butchered) Radiohead…and that explains my face in the second to last photo.


After Free the Hops we went to
Josh’s where we all became
couch locked and watched
the movie Life of Brian.


yuriozaki 22.01.

I was going to go, but felt tired and didn’t go. Catherine told me the band only played covered ones, so I wasn’t motivated. Free beer and food were tempting, but Chris didn’t want to go, so I couldn’t. I am a very cheap drunk.

admin 22.01.

yeah, the band wasn’t so great. the beer was excellent though…so many free choices. there were a lot of people there, so i hope it’ll help the free the hops organization.

alphagocode 22.01.

looks like a fun night! your coat is spectacular btw.

admin 22.01.

haha it was fun! free beer and food!

and thank you much 🙂
