The Real Vertical House
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Renovation Day Three & The Neverending Photographs of the Staircase & A Peek in the Attic 21.01.


bathroom floor is being started.

cords and plaster in the dining room. toilet in the bedroom. lumber in the living room.


what can i say? i’m obsessed.


shower and toilet in the office. plumbing, but no floor in the bathroom. ladder in the hallway.

old shower from the upstairs bathroom. so gross. but, it’s out now!

a not so great view of the attic. it’s an additional 200+ square feet that will be finished eventually. it will be our studio one day.


pseudovillain 22.01.

Weeeee!!!! I love those stairs!!! Please say you are leaving that bannister. And kick ASS on the attic!!!

admin 22.01.

not only are we leaving the banister, we are going to try to strip the paint and salvage that gorgeous wood hiding beneath…the stairs, fire place mantels, and front door especially.

yeah, the highest point in the attic stands 10 feet…it’s insane.

yuriozaki 22.01.

I envy your motivation so much.
We have pretty spacious attic, but we are too scared and lazy to make it useful.

admin 22.01.

haha we’ve got quite a ways to go before we can start it, but it’s nice to start thinking about the possibilities.
