The Real Vertical House
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Happy Holidays! 24.12.

aah. Holidaze. All this rich food makes me sleepy. I’m glad the play is over. I’m excited about doing Crash Boom Bang, but I’m so glad that play is over. The next play sounds like a riot…it’ll be great. Oh I can’t wait to start work again on the house. Everything is down, new plumbing is in, electrical has to be the near future so everything can build back up and we can move in. I’m getting some wall paper from ebay…jumping the gun a bit, but I can’t help it. It’s has a black and white hot air balloon print.


Had fun times out with Dana, Kelly, QUIGGY!, Andy, and whoever else was with us different nights…Dana has more pictures (and videos) of events during the nights. Reminder to self to copy those before she heads back to Marshall (boo! she needs to move back here!)


My parents and sister have one of the cutest kitties! Her name is Kari. She’s hardly ever still…always full of energy. Apparently, she’s been sneaking treats off their kitchen countertops and also sharing some with Major (the dog). They’re a tag team.


Maple is obsessed with drawer’s of clothes. Every time one is opened, she’s in it burrowing herself in the back corner. Sadie has become more of a priss. She watches Maple play all day, only occasionally joining in for a tiny second.


axiomatic7 25.12.

have a good holiday! and those are some cute kitties!

admin 25.12.

thank you!

i hope you had a fantastic holiday season 🙂

lauramastodon 27.12.

I hope you had a merry Christmas!
