The Real Vertical House
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last night 10.12.

Opening night was a success with a full house and a standing ovation!


seamusmoon 10.12.


We will be there for tonight’s show. : )

axiomatic7 10.12.

great show.. !!

yuriozaki 11.12.

The show was great! Awesome! 🙂
We wanted to say hi to you, but couldn’t find you.

admin 11.12.

yay! i’m glad you came…but i’m sorry i disappeared right after the show.

a glob of ‘blood’ fell into my eye, and i had to sit there frozen with it the whole time. by the time the show was over, the blood (paint) had dried across and in my eye, so i had to take care of that. haha.

admin 11.12.

thank you much! i’m glad you enjoyed 🙂

admin 11.12.

thank you so much! i’m so glad you came! 🙂

yeah, i had to go get paint (the blood) out of my eye. it dropped right on my eye lid and it was dry by the end of the show, so i couldn’t even open it. haha so i ran to the bathroom as soon as the lights came up and we could move.
