The Real Vertical House
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Vertical House…an actual store – coming soon! 04.12.

Yesterday, Andy and I attended a Flying Monkey Board Meeting after being invited by Daniel. We are helping develop a calendar of sorts to pass out at shows, etc. with upcoming activities. It feels good to be active again with this sort of thing. We also decided that we are going to open our record store at Flying Monkey first…since the upstairs of our new place won’t be ready anytime soon. This way, we can go ahead and get all of these cds and records out of our house and in an actual store. There’s a space that is already built up with walls and apparently the current renter is wanting to leave. So, hopefully it’ll be perfect for us since we do need a place with walls…just having a fence would not be smart with all we have. I’m very excited about this since we already spend a lot of time up there, we might as well contribute something to this ever-growing place. Plus, the rent is such a great price. It would be dumb for us not to do this.

We’ve been getting a lot of attention from the Five Points Historical Committee now that renovations have begun. Everyone is really eager to see the befores and afters…so are we! We were also asked to be the first representatives of O’Shaugnessy for the Neighborhood Committee. This means we will get to help with planning events in Five Points. This past Saturday a group went caroling, and we were going to help with that, but of course our colds weren’t better. My voice still is raspy and manly, so I doubt I would have contributed anything but sour notes. I really wanted to though, cause I haven’t been caroling since a group of 15+ went in high school. Oh well, there’s always next year.

I had a horrible dream last night. Of course, I had fallen asleep on my back (which seems to allude to most of my nightmares for some reason) and I dreamed that I had a kitten that was about 4 weeks old. I don’t even think her eyes were open. I was holding her in my cupped hands while sitting on my bed, and letting Sadie and Maple sniff her out. I leaned over to pet Sadie, and all of a sudden the kitten disappeared…like I had dropped her or something. I began tearing up the house looking for her, but was very careful since she was so tiny. I began freaking out cause I had no idea what happened to her, but right as I began to cry in my dream, Andy saved me from it. Whew. I was so nervous when I first woke up. It took me a few to realize that we only have two kitties, and that everything was ok. Maple was sleeping at my feet and I swear she had to know something was wrong when I woke up, cause she came up and gave me a kiss (butted heads with me) then cuddled in my arms. I love kitties…they are so sweet. Speaking of Maple, her new nickname is Noodlehead. I have no idea how this came about, but it’s stuck now. Noodlehead.

Our first show is this weekend. BUY TICKETS! We are to be off-book tomorrow (ie have our lines cleverly hidden). I just hope my cold is 110% gone because it will not be fun performing with a raspy voice and a spinning head…especially since I have to sit on stage pretty much the whole time. haha I can see me sitting there, frozen in place, as my nose starts to run. Oh man.

I have no idea how this entry got this long. Maybe cause I’m bored and it’s easy to ramble to a computer screen.


yuriozaki 05.12.

That night, I was at the Jazz show and heard you guys rehearsing. I hope your cold will be gone. 🙂

admin 05.12.

ah rad! the concert sounded great! i hope we weren’t too loud and disturbing…

yuriozaki 05.12.

I heard you when I went to rest room on that side. I didn’t hear anything at the concert. 🙂

admin 05.12.

well, that’s good then 🙂
