The Real Vertical House
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last night (Thursday) 10.11.

we had an outside meeting
script read through #2
blocking on tuesday
rachel’s (beautiful) printmaking piece
pretty purple flowers
egg beater jesus


blackinkco 10.11.


Ha! The egg beater jesus is so out of place.

yuriozaki 11.11.

Cool pics! Rachel’s printmaking piece is really cool.
I had to make Chris to explain what egg beater jesus. I’ve got to see it. 🙂

admin 11.11.

yeah, i can’t wait to see the finished project 🙂

haha EBJ used to scare me when i was little. i always had to close my eyes when we went down that street.

stonkinmongoose 12.11.

These make me happy…however I look very tired.
You’ve got good angles…heh.

admin 12.11.

haha good angles…sound slike a pick up line 😉

ooo la la sara

stonkinmongoose 13.11.

you know it baby!
