The Real Vertical House
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Fall, Kitties, and a New Stove 09.11.




yuriozaki 09.11.

Beautiful! I haven’t been to the cemetary yet. I should go. Fall is a great season to take pictures, isn’t it?
You have great kitties and a stove!

admin 09.11.

oh i love it there! and yes, fall is a terrific season for photos (and weather!)

my kitties are camera hogs…it’s pretty funny.

and yay our first stove purchase! it will be sad saying bye to the one that came with the house we bought…it has a built in grill!! ah well.

courtnah 10.11.

Love the driving shots.

courtnah 10.11.

I totally forgot about the meeting.
I’m a terrible person.

admin 10.11.

thank ya…it was a great day for it 🙂

admin 10.11.

haha it’s cool.

tuesday! 🙂

oh and hey! andy and i are going to (re)do the crash boom bang site, and was wondering if we could use photos you’ll be taking of practices (or whatnot)…with credit of course.

we can talk about details on tuesday, i suppose.

afloatinglife 10.11.

so pretty… everything! even the stove!

admin 10.11.

thank ya…and it was love at first sight with that stove
