The Real Vertical House
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Halloween 02.10.

This is definitely a Halloween costume option.

Team, anyone?


hoolia_ 02.10.

Holy craaap! I’ll wear the monkey shirt. 🙂

monkeyswitch 02.10.

oooh, I wanna be the blue barracudas!

ashxox6 02.10.

love it! no one ever wins that game though…and they give away crappy prizes

bamaguardgirl 03.10.

oh my gosh that is amazing! …there is a facebook group now called “kids who suck at putting together the shrine of the silver monkey piss me off!” we were just talking about kids shows on the 9 hour bus trip to florida this weekend.

do you remember any of the words to the kids incorporated theme song?

rodeorocker 03.10.

you mean the “looks like we’ve made it… k. i. d. s. whoaaaaa”

what was that show about? I cant remember!

bamaguardgirl 03.10.

it was about all these kids (jennifer love hewitt and fergie) who worked at this weird restaurant thing and put on song and dance shows and plays. it was very strange… i think they solved mysteries too.

courtnah 03.10.

That’s so funny!

admin 03.10.

haha will you be here for halloween?!?!??!

admin 03.10.

i’m not sure who’d i want to be…i can’t decide between the color of the shirt or the animal hah

admin 03.10.

ya, i used to yell at the tv when people went the wrong way in the temple

admin 03.10.

i think walt has you covered 🙂

admin 03.10.

totally. so, if 6 people can’t come up with a costume (or want to be lazy) at least there’s a back up.

admin 03.10.

jennnifer love hugetits.
