The Real Vertical House
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we are one month old.


iovnow 20.06.

We are the Borg. Lower your shields and power down your weapons. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

bamaguardgirl 21.06.

yay! you don’t even realize you have feet yet. 🙂 (well, if you were an infant that would be true.)

happy month-iversary!

alphagocode 21.06.

congratulations on your mini-anniversary! here’s to many, many more!

shebitchdemon 21.06.

damn a month has gone by so fast.

admin 21.06.

hahah that’s cute 😀

admin 21.06.


yes, my husband sent me a text message from work saying, this may be our first month, but we’ll have a million more.

admin 21.06.

haha…and it’s creeping towards your month 🙂

admin 21.06.

star trek, right (?)

iovnow 21.06.

yup, donno if Ive ever seen a borg episode though…
