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the picture that will be in the paper 16.05.

f o u r


pianofingers23 16.05.

I love the picture! When is it going to be in the paper?

Congratulations by the way!! I hope you and your fiance have a great wedding!

admin 16.05.

why thank you 🙂

hopefully, it will appear in this sunday’s paper (the 21st)

aplusplus 16.05.

ahhh that’s a really cute picture! congratulations on everything. 🙂

ashxox6 17.05.

adorable. jealllouss

admin 17.05.

hehe thank you 🙂

i thought you fell off the earth or something….long time no post.

admin 17.05.


merci madame!

where are you now-a-days? we just missed each other that night at andrea’s.

inparenthesis 17.05.

cuuuuuuute couple 🙂

admin 17.05.

thank you kindly, cutie 🙂
