The Real Vertical House
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yay! the bushes are gone.
(as is the paint, but that will be fixed)

soon the house will be ready for the market, as andy and i make our way to

…dun dun dun…

the doodooplex.

which will be renovated
into our secret plan.
we’ve even purchased web space.

watch out huntsville.


inparenthesis 07.03.

where is the duplex? 5 points?

admin 07.03.

yep 🙂 it’s huge and ugly.

ashxox6 07.03.

5 points roooolezzz. take that southside! are each of you going to live on your own side of the duplex? how weird would that be.

admin 07.03.

haha yeah. you totally figured it out. damn it ash.

actually we’re not, cause that would be weird. and sad 🙁

shebitchdemon 07.03.

your buying a duplex? are you making into one huge house?

admin 08.03.

andy’s dad bought that thing for $12,000 in the 70’s. so, he’s gonna give it to us. and nope, it won’t be one big house…there will be a special surprise included!

shebitchdemon 09.03.

how exciting. i dont know what the surprise could be. a petting zoo? will one side be a sex shop and one side where you will live? hmmmmm. or maybe a small venue????? hmm the anticipation is mounting. me and beau have set our sights on moving into five points eventually. let me know if you see any cheap ass anything out there. ever heard of francis court in downtown? its these apartments that you have to jump through a million hoops to get and be on a waiting list for forever. but they are so cute and old, they totally stole my heart.

admin 10.03.

hah you’re close with the venue idea, because it will be a place bands can play…but not strictly a venue 🙂

there are really cheap houses in 5 points, it just depends on what street you want to be on. are you guys looking to rent or buy? we’ll be neighbors again!!!!
