The Real Vertical House
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This is too cute… 19.11.


beepboop 19.11.

dies from cute.

THAT is so cute i can’t even think of what to say.

admin 19.11.

i know!!! maple makes those little noises, but not to that extent. so so so so cute! 🙂

beepboop 19.11.

chai does, too. they almost sound like a chicken to me, so i call him “chai chai the chicken cat” 🙂

annie22 20.11.

That is precious! My Jax E. Cat came over to sniff my computer when I played it. 🙂

admin 20.11.

awww, that’s cute!

yeah, i have to play kitty videos quietly and when the cats are out of the room. one time i was playing one where a cat was growling and hissing about something, and maple flipped out and started running all around the house and trying to attack sadie. it was pretty scary.

in fact, last night i replayed this one from home and both kitties came running down the stairs, ears perked up, eyes wide, looking for the ‘other’ kitties. i had to turn it off and convince them no one else was here…
