The Real Vertical House
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All Hallow’s Eve 01.11.

On October 30th, King Kahn and BBQ Show, Thomas Function, and Rise Up Howling Werewolf played at The Flying Monkey. There were lots of folks and lots of great costumes.

Thomas Function

Rise Up Howling Werewolf

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King Kahn and BBQ Show…there were a lot of people in the way

Kristen (Lucy), Charlie (Nurse Hatchet) & Nicole (Hamburgler)

Adam (figure skater…with nipples), and Johnathan (dead?)

Sammy (side table), and me (Coppertone baby)


t0ddd 01.11.

haha your costume is priceless

admin 01.11.

🙂 it was easy!

monkeyswitch 02.11.

haha, Nicole and I were convinced that we weren’t even in the picture in the second one.

I had so much fun!

admin 02.11.

haha yeah…i remember having no idea if we all fit in the shot or not. that night was a lot of fun! 🙂
