The Real Vertical House
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New Blue Chairs 19.10.

I found these chairs at Value Village…and they fit perfectly with our sofa. The ultimate test, however, comes from the cats. Specifically, Maple. She fell in love at first sit/romp.

I even got a video because pictures don’t give the Spaz justice. She was obsessed before I could even put the cushion on the chair.


beepboop 19.10.

lovely chairs! and a lovely color!

and i can’t see your video. it just says “this clip is private”.

admin 19.10.

ah thank you! it should work now 🙂

seamusmoon 19.10.

Aw… We miss our kitties!!  :(

admin 20.10.


i hear your birdy talking up here at the mill sometimes!

ashxox6 20.10.

i love the chairs! maple is a very silly kittyhead.

admin 20.10.

yep! they were love at first sight 🙂

she is, she is indeed.

skate_or_die82 20.10.

that cat video was pretty funny. does andy like the cats or does he just tolerate them?

skate_or_die82 20.10.

howdy, ashley! i didn’t know you were on lj.

admin 20.10.

he loves ’em!

admin 20.10.

duh! she’s got it all…

afloatinglife 20.10.

geez was there catnip in the upholstery of that chair?? hahah maple + chair = luv. cute cute video!

admin 20.10.

haha there sure was something!

we had another chair made of similar fabric, and she did the same thing. however, we sold it…but now she’s got two!

seamusmoon 20.10.

Yeah, I haven`t been as worried about doc because I know he loves being at the Mill surrounded by all the folks and the bright sunlight. Our poor kitties are cramped up at the house with only occassional visits from our friend Mona tho and they sounded SO sad when she let me talk to them on the phone. 🙁

admin 22.10.

awwww yeah…i missed our kitties like crazy during the year of the gun tour. they’ll be so happy to see you though!!
