The Real Vertical House
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cats cats cats cats 01.10.

There has been a cat hanging around our porch for the past few days. I’m feeding him, so I’m sure he’ll be around for a bit. I took some photos so I can make a ‘found’ poster to see if it’s some body’s lost kitty. I kinda think it might be because he tries so hard to get inside of our house. In fact, last night, around 4am or so I heard a strange noise downstairs. At the top of the steps, I heard Maple hissing. I reassured her it was only Sadie as I picked up the cat she was hissing at. It wasn’t Sadie. It was our new friend. Somehow…magically, I guess…he opened our locked front door. Sadie was hiding under the couch. I think now what I heard was her getting upset at this new visitor.

I would love to give this cat a home if no one responds to the posters, but first my resident cats have to agree. It took Sadie a week or so to accept Maple, but Maple was so tiny and weak that it was probably easier for Sadie to still feel in charge.

I’m just glad there was no blood or fur shed last night. The whole incident led to a really bizarre dream. When I finally fell asleep again, I started hearing a bunch of cries from a cat. I went downstairs, and there were 30+ cats just wondering around. Every time I tried to put one out, three more would come in from somewhere. I couldn’t locate where they were coming from, but they were everywhere. There were two tiny tiny kittens that I set on the couch. Sadie and Maple were nowhere to be found, but I could hear them yelling at all these new intruders. Eventually, I grabbed a staple gun and started stapling the drywall like crazy (???) thinking it would help keep all these cats out. It didn’t work. I finally was taken out of this kitty craze by Andy’s ‘wake up’ phone call. Thank goodness!

I awoke with that horrible stressful feeling. It took about 15 minutes to shake it off.

Then, I get to work and find the best news! Radiohead’s In Rainbows is being released on October 10th, not next March. I pre-ordered the Discbox…and although I’ll have to wait ’til December to get it (Merry Christmas to meeeeee!) at least I’ll be able to hear it in a matter of days. What a great way to begin the month.


skate_or_die82 01.10.

That’s quite a dream. I wouldn’t mind having a cat, but my apartment isn’t really set up for that. Plus, I’m never home.

NPR mentioned Radiohead’s digital distribution plans this morning. Buyers will be able to name their own price for downloading the album.

admin 02.10.

yep! although, since they are my all time fav, i paid the $81 to have the ultra discbox set that comes with the free download code.

but i think that’s awesome they are letting you name the price…esp since they are no longer on capitol so all of this is on their own. people think the $81 is ridiculous, but i don’t really think so since you can pay .50 and get the download. they are smart…they know it’ll get leaked somehow and many will get it for free anyway, so what’s it gonna hurt if THEY offer it for free…or for a dollar…or whatever!
