The Real Vertical House
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s o c l o s e 24.09.

After today Neil and Ben will be finished with the baseboards! As not-really-exciting as that sounds, it’s actually big news for us. Finally, we can get our electricity turned on downstairs…after, of course, Brian (the electrician) hooks up all of our outlets. Which means we can move downstairs by next week if Brian doesn’t have a packed schedule.

We’ve been letting the kitties come downstairs with us whenever we can. They seem to love it. Maple begged to have a photo shoot yesterday, so I snapped a few. My favorite is her on the kitchen floor mid-meow.

This past weekend was super crammed with stuff to do. Sasha’s play (The Writer’s Circle) was Saturday and Sunday night. I love Sasha to death, but to be honest, didn’t really understand the play I agreed to do. But, it is over now and I feel a thousand pounds lighter. I felt like I was living in vertigo this past week. Switching modes from Sasha’s play then sprinting across the mill to make it to the film shootings for CBB’s Halloween show…which lasted until midnight or later most nights. Come October, the filming should be wrapped up and I’ll have that whole month to relax (until performance weekends, of course). Hopefully I’ll be able to spend those ‘relaxed’ nights hanging pictures or decorating the house downstairs. If it happens like that, talk about perfect timing!


beepboop 24.09.

lookin good!!

admin 24.09.

ah thank you 🙂

ooooh icon love! i love love love locke! i almost went into a rant about lost in this post. andy i just finished the 3rd season. we couldn’t wait for it to come out in december, so we went ahead and bought it from itunes. a waste of money really, since we don’t even have the discs or anything hah! but we couldn’t wait! oh man oh man…i don’t know what i’ll do ’til jan. we would watch like 3 episodes in a row and sometimes we’d forget we were actually in the real world…not on an island.

SUCH a great show!

beepboop 24.09.


i heard it’s not supposed to be back n til feb. %&^*&)!!!

i am addicted to that show.
it’s awesome.

i loooove locke as well. he’s my fave.

afloatinglife 25.09.

awwwesome pictures. maple looks like she’s hitting the high notes in an opera. “ahhhhhhh!” and i knew your hair was long, but DANG your hair is LONG! i likes.

yuriozaki 25.09.

I liked the play even though it didn’t make much sense. Being ESL ( English as second language), plays in English are hard to understand anyway. ( I have hard time to get most CBB plays too.) And I think my ears are not sharp. I liked the play because it was moving fast, no too much talking, and entertaining.

Thank you for your hard work. I can’t wait to see the Halloween show.

iovnow 25.09.

OMG I <3 the pic of the cat on the checkered floor!

admin 25.09.

hehe thank you 🙂

yeah, that maple picture was a fourtunate accident!

admin 25.09.

yeah, the halloween show will be so awesome. it better…or i’ll kill matt. hah, not really.

admin 25.09.

thank you 🙂

maple’s a cutie!

skate_or_die82 27.09.

I had no idea that you and Andy were into LOST. It kind of changed my opinion of network programming (which I’m usually opposed to). Holly got me into it and I caught up in time to watch season 3 as it unfolded.

What’s really strange is the way it’s being marketed. The pilot episode premiered at some comic convention before hitting ABC.

admin 27.09.

yeah, we don’t have cable (yet) and i was actually thinking about not getting it. we borrowed the box sets from our sis-in-law and fell head over heels for that show! now we have to get it so we can find out what happens!

we are way beyond obsessed haha 🙂
