The Real Vertical House
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Filming Day Two and Three 21.09.

Basketball game: short shorts vs. pants crew

Alpha Bitch & Beta Bitch emerge from the smoke to show the boyz what’s up

Alpha & Beta Bitch and Femme (me)


The Robot Provider gives all of the inhabitants living in the sun-less dome anything they desire…which is mostly beer.



seamusmoon 22.09.

That looks brilliant!

Tell Mr. Bakula that he’s a genius and the next time I see him I’m going to stick my tongue in his ear and hump his leg!

virago_y 22.09.

I don’t mind you doing it to Mr. Bakula, but please don’t do it to me.

admin 22.09.

hahaha ya…he’s got a lot of time, cardboard, and great ideas.

him and all the writers of this project!

admin 22.09.

