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Still Shots 14.09.

These are still shots from the upcoming Crash Boom Bang Halloween Show…which will be a film with some live action.

Filming Day One – Scientess’ Lair


Filming Day Two – Femme’s (my character) Apt.

Do-Wop Gang & Pany Raid

As soon as there is a synopsis set in stone, I’ll share. However, if this is anything like the last film Matt and Ben did (Year of the Gun) it’ll be absolutely fantastic. I have no doubt in my mind.


seamusmoon 14.09.

I can’t wait to see it! Those sets are awesome!

Are you guys still looking for extras?

iovnow 14.09.

Was that a pic of a guy named Brent Copeland?

admin 15.09.

yeah…it’s pretty amazing what matt can do with cardboard.

have you seen the cbb shirt tommy made? it says ‘praise the lord and pass the cardboard.’ hahahaha.

also, i’m pretty sure matt will take anyone willing to participate. we have a couple of group shots left. he knows the schedule, so i suppose ask him what days would be best to show up, etc. 🙂

admin 15.09.

yep! he’s part of the dead workers party.

iovnow 16.09.

omg I need to get in touch with him again! We go way back but lost contact.

Give him my # for me please!
Just tell him its specter 256-880-7916 and he will know.

admin 16.09.

well, that was the first time i’ve seen him in months…we don’t usually run into each other :/

but i’m sure if you emailed and put his name in the subject line, he’ll get the email.

i will, however, keep you in mind when i do see him again!

seamusmoon 16.09.

I snuck in friday night and checked out the set in person – it really is impressive. I wanted to help with the shooting at the end of the night, but I was busy loading up Yuri’s stuff for the Monte Sano Art Show saturday.

admin 16.09.

yeah, friday was a long night hah! i don’t think we got home til around 2am…but it was a lot of fun.

saturday was DEAD at the market cause of monte sano and good day.

we tried to make it to the monte sano art show, but missed it…i’m so sad! how did yuri do?

seamusmoon 16.09.

The Monte Sano Art Show was awesome! It was a beautiful day and Yuri did really well!
