The Real Vertical House
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Nashville 13.09.


seamusmoon 14.09.

I love Smashville.

axiomatic7 15.09.

nashvegas.. what what?

moreepicthanyou 22.09.


when were you here!???!

i wish i would have known, asshole 🙂

admin 24.09.

haha it was a few weeks ago….we didn’t even stay the night or anything…just hung out for a few hours.

where have you been?! long time, no journal :/

i totally should have sent you a heads up. next time, i promise! 🙂

moreepicthanyou 07.10.

Aww shame!

I think we’re coming down that way this month for a museum thing, i’ll check and see where exactly it is and let you know.

Ive just been working a lot and havent been around the computer as much.. time is essence!
