The Real Vertical House
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26 07.09.

Happy Birthday Hubby!

I cannot wait until tomorrow. After artist market, we are heading up to Nashville for the night. Why? Cause the Dingers are back! Nicole and Justin have been living in Kuwait for the past too-long-of-a-time. They are back in the States and visiting family and friends. I have been giddy ever since I spoke to her on the phone last week and we talked about Saturday’s plans. Hopefully lots of the Nashville folks will be hanging around because I know Andy has some friends he hasn’t seen in a while. Either way, I’ll see Nicole’s pretty face and I can’t wait. Pictures will be taken in surplus.

Next Friday, the 14th, The Lightbulbs (me, Andy, Christian James, Chance, and Josh) and the Royal Bangs are playing a show at The Flying Monkey.

ALSO Crash Boom Bang will be having a Call for Extras for the Halloween film. We encourage you and all your friends to come out, see a show, then participate in our film. There are no speaking lines. We really just need a good crowd. So tell everyone you know!

I’m actually pretty nervous. I’ve never done this band thing…high school band doesn’t count. Josh tells me he could never do Crash Boom Bang, but he has no problem singing in front of anyone. Me, I’m opposite. I’m excited cause we’ve been practicing and sounding great…however, I still feel a butterfly wing flapping against the inside of my stomach every now and then.


beepboop 07.09.

awesome..what do you do in the band?

admin 07.09.

sing! that’s why i’m so nervous…

doe a dear a female dear
ray a drop of golden sun
me a name, i call myself
fa a long, long way to run
so a needle pulling thread
la a note that follows so
tea a drink with jam and bread
and that brings us back to doooo

(that’s what i sing to calm myself…hah!)

beepboop 07.09.

aww..i’m sure you’ll do just fine!

yay for you!

yuriozaki 09.09.

Happy Birthday Andy!
