The Real Vertical House
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Downtown Decorations and Destruction 16.07.

I actually took these a few days after the fire, but I’m just now getting the internet to post them…


beepboop 16.07.

weird, i just posted some very similar photos on my huntsville pics community.

you have a better camera than i, so your photos turned out really nice!

admin 16.07.

ooo…i’ll have to go take a looksie! i haven’t had the internet in a week or two, so i haven’t been able to check people’s ljs.

and thank you 🙂

it’s a good little camera, but definitely not the best out there.

seamusmoon 17.07.

It makes me sad.

I wonder if they will move into Lowe Mill?

admin 17.07.

haha nice icon!

yeah, it is really sad. but hey, if they do move to lowe mill maybe it’s a blessing in disguise for everyone.
