The Real Vertical House
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Various 15.06.

Yesterday, I get a call in the afternoon from Matt Bakula.

Matt: “Hey Ashley. Um. Are you busy?
me: “No, what’s up?”
Matt: “Well, I just wanted to give you a heads up. I, uh, last night I, uh, set you store on fire.”

::long silence::

me: “ok…”
Matt: “But everything is fine! Nothing was damaged…except some burlap”
me: “Well, what happened?”
Matt: “I was cutting metal, and some sparks jumped over into your space, and the burlap went up in flames.”

::mental picture of the burlap on fire, heading straight for the records and cds::

Matt: “I got the fire out with the extinguisher. Grace let me into your space to clean everything up this morning. I spent the whole day cleaning every piece of something you have in your store. I was even careful to put your Catopoly pieces back how I found them. The fire hardly damaged the burlap, but the powder from the extinguisher caused a fucking huge mess.”

::I start laughing at the new mental image of Matt cleaning each little piece of the game::

me: “So everything is ok. You’re ok?”
Matt: “Yep…everything is fine. But, if you see more powder mess let me know, and I’ll come clean it up. I’m pretty sure I got it all and placed everything back where it was.”
me: “Matt, you better be glad it was you that did this and not some random douchebag”

::Matt laughs::

Matt: “Well, I am truly sorry and I hope everything looks ok in your store.”
me: “I’m sure it does. haha. Thanks for calling…I’ll see you later on.”
Matt: “ok, sure thing.”


So, Vertical House survived it’s first (and hopefully only) fire. I’m so glad I wasn’t there. I would have been no help. I hate uncontrolled fire…it utterly scares me. I’d be running around screaming not knowing what to do. Luckily, it was Matt that set it on fire. I know how responsible he is and how much he loves the mill. He’s a quick thinker too, so I’m sure he reacted fast. Needlesstosay, there’s hardly any damage at all. Thankfully, those burlap bags were commercial, so I’m sure they had some kind of fire-proofness to them. Besides, only one bag really was burnt…and not even that bad. The way Matt described the event, I was afraid of the worst.

See, not bad at all really. Kinda like a neat decoration! The said Catopoly game that is still a little gritty from the powder.

The mill is so photogenic. The sky was really neat again last night.
Summer + evening storms = neat skies!

Andy and I were going to go to the Stars game last night, but our apparent free ticket had be given away and Kelly said it was pouring down rain and they weren’t sure if they were staying or not. It just didn’t seem worth it to go, so we went to Wings instead. Andy hadn’t been there since he started eating meat, so off we went. With him eating meat now every restaurant is like a new one.

I like Wings’ bathroom floor. Look at Andy’s creepy eyes! This picture is weird.


axiomatic7 15.06.

I am glad to hear it was only a minor fire…. and that someone was quick on their feet to get it out..


chris21718 15.06.

When I started reading the post, my heart sank until I read that everything was OK.

admin 15.06.

yeah no kidding 🙂

this little event has convinced us to go get flame & water proof tarps to drape over the inventory when we aren’t there. if someone else’s place had caught fire without knowledge, and the sprinklers all went off, then we’d be screwed with soggy records.

admin 15.06.

yeah…i wanted to puke during that long pause after matt said that. i think he was trying to be silly.

iovnow 15.06.

Scary. Glad everything is ok and no one was hurt.

admin 15.06.

thank you…so am i 🙂
