The Real Vertical House
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Cicada & Firefly 12.06.

Yesterday evening, Andy and I went on a walk to get inspiration for our garden. Then we proceeded downtown to Humphrey’s to see Summer play a split set with Matt as the The Dreaded Firefly & Sweet Lucy. They’ll be playing on the 29th with The Snake The Cross The Crown, Christian James and the Coyotes, and Grand Prize Game.

Here’s a clip of them playing a song. I know it’s dark, but it sounds good!


yuriozaki 12.06.

Oh, No! I didn’t know. I missed it!
You and Andy look so good!

admin 12.06.

yeah, it was rather short notice. Summer sent me a text message about 30 minutes beforehand.

hehe…and thank you 🙂

allenb 13.06.

I love it when you post pictures. 🙂

admin 13.06.

thanks! i told myself when i made this journal it would be mainly photos. i’ve had 6 others that were all for writing purposes.

if the internet ever disappeared, i don’t know what i’d do.

axiomatic7 13.06.

@ Humphrey’s? interesting…

admin 13.06.

what’s interesting at humphrey’s? (i’m confused)
