The Real Vertical House
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(More) Garden & Kitten No Name 28.05.

At first, I didn’t think much of it. In the morning the bushes out front were plain but by the time I got home, there were yellow and purple flowers. And then I thought of their name: “Fouroclocks,” and it chimed in my head. So one afternoon I waited until four and sure enough…right on time.

Another surprise to us are these orange lilies that popped up the other day. The purple bell shaped flower is a new one to our garden and I’m not even sure what it is. It was too pretty to pass up even though it didn’t have a name tag, and no one seemed to know anything more than “belles” of somesort. I’ll have to search for it among my gardening books. Or ask granny…she’ll know. The pretty red flower was once just one little loner, but now has nine or so blossoming buddies.


Andy’s parents are kitten-sitting the newest edition to the (extended) family. It’s Bailey (our niece’s) seven week old treasure from heaven name Sophie. I haven’t gotten to see her yet…well, except the pics Andy took.

That’s the tiny little puff-ball sitting on his foot.


monkeyswitch 28.05.

oh my goodness. I want to squish minnie p in a jar and make her get that small again!!!!

meowmrow 29.05.

Your flowers are gorgeous. You know, I see you out sometimes & I think that it’s really a shame that we haven’t met seeing as we live on the same street. I would love to cook dinner for you and Andy sometime. Perhaps you could give me some gardening tips because the three plants I was given for teacher appreciation week are all dead. Happy Memorial Day!

yuriozaki 29.05.

I rode by your house on my bicycle today. It’s looking good! 🙂
My garden is all vegetables except sun flowers. They are making buds.

admin 29.05.

awww…josh said she was the cutest thing ever. which is weird cause josh doesn’t say that kind of stuff.

admin 29.05.

that would be awesome!

shoot, if you ever see either of us out, please stop by and say hi!

once our house is done, i’d love to have a block party-ish of sorts.

admin 29.05.

thank you 🙂

what veggies are you growing? we’re growing some in our back yard. i think i drowned a batch of sunflowers, but maybe they’ll come back.

afloatinglife 30.05.


admin 30.05.

yes she’s so cute! i finally got to see her yay and i never wanted to let her go…she’s SO tiny.
