The Real Vertical House
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what were you doing one year ago? 20.05.

One year ago, at this time, I was still Ashley Michele Brody.

After 11 o ‘clock, I legally became Ashley Brody Vaughn.

Happy Anniversary Andy. It’s been the best year, and I hope each one continues this trend we’ve got going 🙂


meowmrow 20.05.

You looked so beautiful! You know, everyone says that the first year is the hardest and look at you, you’ve made it through and you’re going so strong! Congratulations Ashley & Andy.

yuriozaki 20.05.

Aww.. Congratulations!

ashxox6 20.05.

yay! you guys are grreat!

pseudovillain 20.05.

You my dear are gorgeous…..beautiful!!!!!

What a great pic!

a_pocket_smile 20.05.

yay!! we really are twins! my 1-year anniversary is this coming saturday!

seamusmoon 21.05.

Happy Anniversary!!

monkeyswitch 21.05.


admin 21.05.

thank you!

and if the first year is the hardest, then i think we’ve got it in the bag 🙂

admin 21.05.

thank you thank you 🙂

admin 21.05.

hehe YOU’RE great, ashley

admin 21.05.

thank you!

i really like your sultry red lipped icon 🙂

admin 21.05.

so crazy! i hope you two have a fantastic day 🙂

admin 21.05.

thank you! 🙂

admin 21.05.


how were those roller coasters? wooo!

pseudovillain 07.06.

Thank you!!!!!!

