The Real Vertical House
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Whhhhhhhistle Stop 05.05.

Andy’s first time having BBQ in 10+ years. It was awesome. My mom has also just recently began eating meat again after 20+ years. BBQ and beer. It was great.


pseudovillain 05.05.


First I have to tell you, you are the cutest thing EVAR, and I LOVE you because you wear dresses. Sooo cute!

And the next to the last pictures, looks like my big brother. Holy crap, where were you?

admin 05.05.

haha thanks…dresses are the easiest/best ever.

um, we were at whistle stop – downtown around the depo. does your bro cook bbq?

yuriozaki 06.05.

We’ve just got back from the whistle stop now. We didn’t know, we just were walking downtown and a horse ride came by, and told us. We went to check it out, but the fee was a bit too much, so decided to not go. Instead, we went to Hamphley(spell?)’s and had dinner. I am actually drank now. Now, we’ve got to go a fund raising party. phew…

admin 06.05.

haha sounds like a busy night…i hope you had fun! 🙂

my mom and i got free wristbands, so it was worth the go. she actually works across the street from humphrey’s at a law firm.

rodeorocker 08.05.

you are way too excited about that beer!

admin 08.05.

haha…oh sure!

free beer is great beer

admin 08.05.

oh hey….have you heard the band Auburn Bikini? i’ve been meaning to ask you this for quite sometime, but i always forget.

pseudovillain 20.05.

My sister-in-law’s daddy owns Gibson’s.
So yea, that could have very well be Shannon, fo rill.
