Last Night This Really Happened… 22.11.
…a dream came true! I’m a HUGE Nobunny fan, so when we found out they needed a show, we jumped at the chance to have ’em play in our store. It just so happened that the band I’m in, The Porcharitas, were able to open. The past two nights have fulfilled two dreams actually – playing a show with Nobunny AND recording songs for an album. In fact, both of these were on my New Year’s Resolutions for 2011, so even though the actual album won’t be available until 2012 most likely, at least we started!
Anyway, here’s proof of last night! It was a GREAT crowd! Over 100 people showed up, and we had lots of crowd surfing (always a sign of a fun show). Thanks to everyone that came out and gave us one more rad show to tuck under our hat…we couldn’t do it without ya!
The Porcharitas
Thanks to Andy for the great shots of us Porchies! By the time Nobunny went on, I was so ready to rock I couldn’t even fathom having my “real” camera slung around my neck. That could have been a disaster! Sorry for the iphonetographs of Nobunny, but surely if you’ve ever seen him perform you understand!