2011 Resolutions 01.01.
2010 was a whirlwind of excitement! Our store expanded (twice!), we had a great run with Crash Boom Bang/Dead Workers, saw some awesome bands, and continued to fall even more in love with life. You can check out the review of 2010 for more details.
2011 Resolutions
- Put out a 7″ of some kind…preferably with our own music
- Double the stats on Hi-Fi Weddings (I want 5k hits a day!)
- Expand our garden (not just the food/herb part, but also the other little areas we’ve started)
- Get back into Yoga
- Have a successful Bamalama 2011
- Upstairs electricity (I think if we can budget for this little by little, we can get this done sooner than we think. Fingers crossed!)
- Create the Ultimate Wedding Package with White Rabbit Studios (we’re hopefully going to be able to offer DJ services on top of photos/videos/premium albums)
- Have at least one kick ass show in our store (crossing my fingers for Nobunny, Greg Cartwright/the Parting Gifts, Magic Kids, or someone along those lines)
- Have an art show (this is a recent idea Steph and I had, so we’ll see if it comes to fruition!)
- Create even more hilarity with CBB/DWP
2010 Resolutions (with commentary)
- make our own music (unfortunately, we didn’t get to do as much as I had hoped – however, it wasn’t a complete failure. Cute as Hell had the music video that reached number one and the Purgatory Lounges were a success…however Andy and I didn’t get to put out a record like we hoped. Seriously, this is one of our Ultimate Dreams as a Married Couple.)
- start vidcasting for vertical house records (totally didn’t happen, but this was a project we would be working with the Dead Workers on…and they got slammed this year. Maybe in 2011!)
- grow at least 50% of our food or buy locally (while I wouldn’t say we did this with 50%, we definitely grew more food this year/bought locally. Now that Earth Fare is here, this helps tremendously.)
- advance in yoga (I did quite the opposite…I totally slacked in yoga. This has got to be remedied in the new year!)
- start making movies or shorts with Crash Boom Bang/Dead Workers/Dustin (this totally happened and I can’t wait to see what 2011 holds for us.)
- write a skit/script (Didn’t finish it, but we have ideas for a show. Think Curb Your Enthusiasm meets Always Sunny in Philadelphia…and it will take place in the record store.)
- continue growth with White Rabbit Studios (including introducing Super 8 filming, etc.) (While we didn’t get the Super 8 off the ground, we are currently working on editing a wedding video so we will have videography offered in our packages in 2011…YAY! Also, I feel like we have grown so much as a business and I can’t wait to see what the next 365 days hold for us.)
- start and maintain Hi-Fi Weddings (so close to launching!) and hopefully get big in the blog-o-sphere (DONE AND DONE! This site is like my e-baby. I love it. The people I’ve met so far have been incredible and I hope my site stats double this year!)
- can and store as much as possible (you can never be too prepared) (we only jarred more pickles…)
- make our own juices (I think this happened all of three times.)
- finish the downstairs:
- bath sink (we are still searching for The Sink so who knows how long this will take to cross off)
- foyer flooring
- strip front door
- strip stairwell
- paint foyer/stairwell walls (HELL YES we got to check something off!)