The Real Vertical House
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Crash Boom Bang Theatre + Dead Workers Party = Short Shorts Part Deux 17.05.

We’ve been gearing up for round two (a whole new show!) of Short Shorts. Sara and I did some filming together last Thursday for one of the sketches. We also shot the pic for the flyer…lol lol. That mullet wig was somethin’ else though.

CBB + DWP = Short Shorts

JD and me

CBB + DWP = Short Shorts

Sara and me “in character”

CBB + DWP = Short Shorts

“I wanna Moon Pie”

CBB + DWP = Short Shorts

record store turned trashy living room

CBB + DWP = Short Shorts

Sara is giving me a black eye…the polite way!

CBB + DWP = Short Shorts CBB + DWP = Short Shorts

And these are the shots being considered for the flyer:

CBB + DWP = Short Shorts CBB + DWP = Short Shorts CBB + DWP = Short Shorts

CBB + DWP = Short Shorts

HAH! Bill dressed up as Peggy Sue!

