The Real Vertical House
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Martin’s Birthday Week 17.05.

Our friend (Ashley) Martin declared a “birthday week” leading up to her actual birthday, but yet we STILL manage to totally surprise her with a party on her REAL birthday. It was quite amusing to see her so shocked! We even did the whole park-your-car-way-down-the-street-and-hide-until-she-gets-here-and-jump-out-with-a-cake-SURPRISE!

Monte Sano Drive

These were actually taken at a shrimp broil that happened during the “b’day week”

Martin's B'Day Week

Martin's B'Day Week

Martin's B'Day Week

And this was her actual birthday (surprise party):

Martin's B'Day Week

Martin's B'Day Week

Martin's B'Day Week

Martin's B'Day Week

Martin's B'Day Week

Martin's B'Day Week

