The Real Vertical House
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A new beginning, with Spring 02.03.

Even though it is snowing outside right now, I still have Spring on my mind. Maybe cause I hear it’s supposed to be in the 60’s on my birthday (next week) so I’m really looking forward to that! Sunshine and nice weather would be a wonderful gift! The last time it got so pretty out (a couple of Sundays ago) we looked at out planting calendar and noticed it was a good day to plant seeds. Neat! So we did!


Tulip Bulb Sprout

We planted tulips in the fall, and the first sprout has popped up! Hopefully this burst of cold weather doesn’t scare them away. Now I can’t even remember what colors they are…I think red and yellow.

Front Porch

I can’t wait to have our porch full of friends!


It looks like Vertical House Records will have a new place…and sooner than we thought! We are just moving across the hall from where we are now, but this will be a big move. I think we’ll have just the right amount of space. And I think this is the step we need to take. Even though we dreamed big about getting that building, something seemed to have kept me from making all the calls about getting a loan. And then this came available, so it seems to be a sign to stay at the mill for now. We can still dream about the building, and who knows – it might come to us sooner than we think. However, I think I would miss the mill WAY too much. I have a total architecture crush on that place. And now we are going to have one of the big, awesome windows I love so much! I’m hoping to take some ‘before’ shots of the new space this week. Here are some shots of our store right now, as is – crammed and all!

Vertical House Records

walking in, this is what you first see

Vertical House Records

this is standing where the couches are, looking towards the door, which is on the right

Vertical House Records

standing on the other side of the shelves that are in the middle of the room

