The Real Vertical House
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Road Trip to Nashville to see Smith Westerns, Magic Kids, and Girls 07.02.

Last night we went to Exit/In in Nashville, TN. to see a few of our favorite bands: Smith Westerns, Magic Kids, and Girls. It was awesome, simply put. The trip to Nashville was ever so brief, but when most of it is spent singing and dancing along, maybe short and sweet is best! We tried leaving Huntsville early enough to eat and browse around Great Escape. However, after eating at Taco and Co. it was already 8. Since we didn’t know exactly where Exit/In was in relation to where we were, and how fast the crowds would come, we headed that way. Next time Great Escape, next time! Charlie, Justin, and Josh were standing right outside when we walked up, so we all hung out a bit before the show. In retrospect, we totally would have had enough time to go to a few shops. Ah well. Anyway, the show was fantastic, and the only thing I thought could have been better, is if all the vocals had been turned up a bit more.

Smith Westerns

Smith Westerns

Magic Kids

Pizza Box Set List

Magic Kids pizza box set list…propped up with beer, of course.

Magic Kids

David Byrne, anyone?

Magic Kids

Magic Kids Magic Kids
Magic Kids Magic Kids

Magic Kids

The Magic Kids – ‘Hey Boy’ – Exit/In Nashville, TN. from vertical house records on Vimeo.


Girls Set List







Girls – ‘Laura’ – Exit/In Nashville TN. from vertical house records on Vimeo.

Girls – ‘Lust for Life’ – Exit/In Nahville, TN from vertical house records on Vimeo.


Guest Mix: Grizzly Bear Modern « HI-FI WEDDINGS 31.03.

[…] times now: first at BAMALAMA (a local weekend festival), again at Gonerfest 6, and another time in Nashville when they were on tour with Girls and Smith Westerns (all great bands you should check […]
