The Real Vertical House
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Fall Decor 16.10.

Fall doesn’t last long here in Alabama, and it’s already getting pretty nippy. We’ve put out some of our fall decor, but you know…I don’t have much. This Monday and Tuesday (our off days) I plan on gathering some sticks and stuff for some vases around the house…and hopefully it will look good. I’m not the kind that can go out and drop hundreds on cutesy things at Target (ok ok, I COULD…but I don’t). Here’s our philosophy: we wait for the sales. Last Christmas, we waited until shit was 75% off, and then stocked up on a lot of decor. We left them all in the packages, and boxed them up with what little xmas stuff we already had. This year, it will be like Christmas came early with all the “new” stuff! So, that’s my plan for fall decor. I never cared about decorating until we moved into this house. Now I’m probably driving Andy slightly crazy oooing and aaahing over the smallest things.

Fall Decor

Fall Decor

Fall Decor

Fall Decor Kitchen Shelf

The table cloth came from Andy’s granny and I am absolutely in love with it. I know the colors aren’t very fall like, but I think it goes well with our dining room…which walls are VERY fall like haha. We got the baby pumpkins at an outdoor flea market. They were 5 for $1! How could I say no?!

The cook books that are in that last photo were only a dollar each at a thrift store. There are so many neat recipes in there! I’m hoping to make some candy on one of our days off! This week is pretty booked with photo shoots, so maybe next week…but we’ll see, maybe we can squeeze it in!

Happy fall ya’ll!

