The Real Vertical House
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White Rabbit Studios v.2 16.09.

We launched our new White Rabbit Studios site! Since our first version was thrown together so quickly in time for a Gallery Tour at the Mill, I really wanted to go with something much softer. Oh and! this was my first time working with flash so I’m just happy I even got the damn thing to work lol.

Anyway, as always, feedback is much appreciated! Another “Oh and!” is that thanks to my friend Corry, I found the link to have a direct blog via wordpress via godaddy. So that is a HUGE yay! I’ll be playing around with the coding for that and I’m aiming to get it done before Gonerfest, but I’m not going to break my back or anything. But yeah, already the WordPress interface is much much better than blogger.

Now to get ready for December 3rd, the next Gallery Tour. Now that we have a more concrete business in place, we can come up with neat ways to set up our area. If we start prepping now, it’ll be a lot easier than rushing at the last minute. But who am I kidding, I’ve always been that way. Pressure gets shit done…faster.

So yeah, feedback ::wink wink::

PS! Some of the blush photos (on the site) might not be safe for work…so heads up.

