The Real Vertical House
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Home life 23.08.

Our Clematis is in full bloom and it’s wonderful! And with this cooler weather, windows open, the breeze carries their scent to fill our bedroom…it’s so refreshing! We have it growing in five different places this year. Last year it was only in three, so it jumped to two new places.




View From Window

(that’s the view from our bathroom window)

I’m as tall as our elephant ears! This is the first year we get to enjoy them all season, and they have grown to be HUGE! It’s quite exciting!

Elephant Ears Elephant Ears

Our neighbor’s dog (Gracie, I think) is so adorable! She always mumbles a bark when we come home and it’s more of a ‘hello’ than an actual bark. She’s taller than the porch railings!

Gracie (?)

I got this light a few weeks ago at a yard sale for $1…now I just need to add a nail to hang it.


We made home made cookies from scratch the other night! omg they were so delicious!

Homemade Cookies

Homemade Cookies

Homemade Cookies

Every morning Maple brings me her blue ball and plays a mean game of fetch. She’ll get real excited and meow the whole time…it’s absolutely adorable.



