The Real Vertical House
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Flea Market 16.08.

Last Sunday Andy and I went to the Preston Flea Market off of Meridian Street. It’s an outdoor flea market open on Saturdays and Sundays. I’ve found some of the best things in our house for super cheap…like $1 cheap. Anyway, last week I walked by this one guy’s stuff and saw these horrific ‘gold’ seagulls that you hang on the wall. Really cheesy-this-should-be-in-an-80’s-beach-house tackiness. But something was pulling me to them…after all, they were only $3! But, I decided to mull it over while we walked around more and planned to pick them up on the way out. Of course, I forgot. I didn’t think too much of it at first until I thought of my idea* more, especially after they appeared in my dream. Then, I lost a couple nights’ sleep over the stupid birds. So I was super anxious for this Saturday to roll around. We went yesterday and didn’t even see the guy there. Andy reassured me by suggesting that he probably does other places on Saturdays and comes here on Sundays. I perked up and we went to Meridian Street Cafe for breakfast (our first time eating there…Y U M!!)

So today, Andy and I wake up early to go back and check. There’s the dude! There’s his stuff! My heart races with excitement! hmmm…no gold seagulls. I ask the gentleman if he was indeed the one with the seagulls. He asked if they were gold and I excitedly said yes…thinking maybe it was still in his truck. “Sold ’em last week” was his response. Dammit!!! Now everything around me turned back into this pile of junk that some stranger was trying to convince me to buy. I quietly huffed and puffed as I browsed the remaining piles of crap. I did find a gem of a red purse and began scolding myself for ignoring my initial gut feeling. As we came upon the last vendor, something glared in my eye as I walked by. I looked down onto a grouping of the hideous golden seagulls. My heart practically stopped. Could this be true? The same ones??? I nudged Andy and he started laughing. I asked the guy how much they were and he said five bucks. I asked if he’d take $3, and he agreed! So either he bought them last week or he just so happened to have the exact same set of birds. Maybe some big condo got renovated. Whatever the case, I’ve got my birds.

*The plan is to spray paint them the red color of our bathroom chandelier and hang them in our living room (we have a bit of red in there as well). I’ll report back with before, during and after photos if this project looks as good as I hope. If not, oh well…$3 gone. If so, wahoo $3 decor!

